Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One of Those Weeks...

It has been one of those weeks and it is only Wednesday. Let me tell you about my week so far....

Monday: Well Child Check-Up for Vivian (aka: shots)
I took Vivian in for her one year well child check up. She is doing well and meeting milestones. She is in the 50% for height and 10% for weight (but she was just sick and lost some weight, so I think she is really in the 35%). She got three shots. I had to hold her arms down and this is the first time she really looked at me with betrayal in her eyes. It made me sad.

Tuesday: I get some bad news that totally distracts me. Also, Vivian had six teeth at her well child check up yesterday, today she has eight. Seriously, two teeth came in over night. However, this explains why she has been so fussy. I pick Connor up from school and he is extra crazy hyper. Like driving me insane hyper. We make it through the day and Dad comes home. We all pile in the car and head over to my friend's house for dinner. I'm really excited about this, I really need the distraction and I want to see my friend. Half way there Connor says his stomach hurts. I ask if he needs to pee, he says yes, really bad. We are in the middle of nowhere so we pull over in a new housing development and find a field. He gets out of the car and is immediately distracted by a cricket. He wants to catch it. Obviously he doesn't need to pee that bad and as suspected, he squeezes out a few drops. Back in the car. Vivian is mad because she didn't get to get out of the car and is fussing. We drive another block. Connor says his stomach really hurts and he needs to poop. Again, we are in the middle of nowhere. The nearest bathroom is three miles away and he is acting like he REALLY needs to poop. I'm having visions of poop smeared in the car seat, but we make it to Quik Trip. Curt takes Connor in and I try to entertain Vivian who is now really mad that she didn't get to get out of the car. I text my friend that we are on the way, but are making an emergency poop stop. A few minutes pass and then a few more pass. I'm getting worried. Then Curt and Connor come out and Connor is wearing underwear but no pants or shoes. Crap. Curt says he threw up on his clothes. I text my friend that we aren't coming and we head home. :( Connor throws up again when we get home. We aren't sure if he is sick or if he throwing up from a smoothie that he drank. He starts feelings better and running around. Then it is time for bed. We lie down and I'm almost asleep when I hear, Mama? I need to pee. We go to the bathroom, nothing. Back to bed. Mama? I need to poop. Back to the bathroom, nothing. Back to bed. Thirty minutes pass. Mama? I need to poop, my stomach hurts. By this point I totally don't believe him so I tell him to go by himself. Bad decision. From bed I distinctly hear the sound of liquid hitting the floor. I run into the bathroom and I don't have my contacts in, but I can see that he has thrown up right next to the toilet and is about to do it again. I shove a trash can in front of him. He finishes and I put him in the bath. We clean up, get new underwear (he barfed on the other pair) and get back in bed. He falls asleep immediately. Thirty minutes pass, I am almost asleep. He starts moaning. Thirty more minutes pass, he sits up in bed and exorcist vomits. I clean him up and then he lies on the floor while I change the sheets. We get back in bed. I am almost asleep. Mama! I need to poop! I can smell that he has already pooped, so I carry him to the bathroom and put him back in the tub. Amazingly none got in the bed (he was sleeping on his stomach). We get another pair of clean underwear. Back to bed. He goes to sleep. I almost go to sleep. Mama! My stomach hurts. He throws up again but in the trash can I put beside the bed. Back to sleep. I think it is almost 5:00 am at this point. I haven't gone to sleep, but I'm hoping he sleeps in. 7:00 am, Mama! Time to get up. Let's go downstairs. Shit. Only now he has a fever so he is happy to sit on the couch and watch a movie.

I won't tell you about the rest of the day, but it consisted of a lot of: Mama, my stomach hurts. But at least no more throwing up or pooping. Vivian went to stay with Nana, so hopefully she doesn't get sick too.

Tomorrow is going to bring new challenges, but we are just hoping that no one else gets sick and I'm just trying to make it to the weekend.