Friday, May 20, 2011


Tonight I had to say goodbye to one of my very best law school friends who is moving tomorrow. She got a really awesome job in the great state of Colorado. I can't even begin to imagine how much I am going to miss her, especially since she has been my friend since the very first day of dog law week our 1L year. There is something about law school friends that make them different than all other friends. I think that law school must be similar to hazing in that the difficultly, the fear, and possibly even the socratic method bond you to your friends in a way that is different than any other friendship. When I was struggling my first year, especially my first semester, I knew that she would understand the grief I was experiencing, the feeling that law school was invading every aspect of my life, every crevice of my brain, because she was going through exactly the same thing. Only another law student can truly understand what law school does to a person. I know that I will miss her dearly (especially when I am sitting in class, particularly Mansfield's class, with a bunch of 2L's next semester), but I am so happy and excited that this new chapter of her life is beginning. Therefore, I can only wish her the best of luck and say that I am truly grateful that we met and became friends, lifelong friends.