I have to brag: Connor has been such a delightful little guy lately and I'm so impressed. Just five months ago, every day was a struggle. There was screaming, crying, tantrums. I was at my wits end every day. I was seriously considering taking him to a psychologist. Then I read the book "My Three Year Old: Friend or Enemy" and realized his behavior was normal and that he would cycle out of his bad behavior and he has. Lately, he has been using "please" and "thank you" and he communicates with me more instead of just getting hysterical. Every day he tells me the best stories and I look at him and my heart just swells with love and pride. So I would like to share a little bit about Connor.
- always, always puts his underwear on inside out or backwards or both.
- loves to collect things, tape measures, chap stick, soap, candles, rocks.
- loves the color blue...if it is blue he'll collect it.
- loves riding razor scooters and plasma cars...so much that he wore holes in his shoes and then holes in
his socks.
- loves going to Lowe's or Home Depot. He likes looking at everything. Tractors, weedeaters, tools.
- starts off stories with "Back in the old days" or "When I used to be little."
- can make Vivian laugh harder than anyone else, often by just looking at her.
- has eaten more ice cream sandwiches in his life than I have in mine.
- tells me, "I loves you Mom."
I sure loves him too.